The Larsen household has been very interesting to say the least. It all started Saturday the 28th when we were registering Daxton for preschool. Daxton was so excited that when we got there he said "Bye mom! See you later! I'm going to school." I had to tell him that I was coming to and he was ok with that. I have see him so excited about anything before. I think it is because his cousin Christian has been going to school for the last couple of years. Then when we got back from doing that my sister Chelsea wanted to get together to do a bbq with all of our family. So we arranged it together and had a good time. But that night Corbin started to get a fever which would end up triggerig the events for the rest of the week.
That night Corbin didn't sleep very well, which meant that I didn't sleep very well either on top of Hayden waking up wanting to be fed as well. It was quite exhausting the next day, but I was surprisingly not doing to bad considering we have 9 o'clock church and I had to get up at 6:30 to get ready. Mat stayed home with Corbin who's temperature was 103 at 6:30 a.m. It went down to 100 at 7:10 but we were really scared for him. Mat kept a close eye on him especially since he slept from 10 am to 4 pm. Mat checked on him every 2 hours to make sure he was still breathing. Poor lil' guy. That night we had FHE with my family and my grandpa gave the lesson. After the lesson we had other family members give Corbin a blessing. That night, surprisingly, he slept the whole night without waking up. HOORAY!!!
So I thought that everything was going to get better but on Sunday night Hayden started to get sick and was throwing up all over me. We finally associated it with feeding him the cereal and we have stopped feeding him cereal for a little bit. It happened the Monday before as well. We fed him cereal and he got sick that night and was sick the next day. So on Monday the 30th I had two sick boys, Corbin and Hayden. Corbin was feeling better but was EXTREMELY ONREY!!!! Hayden pretty much slept the whole day and it was good so that I could pay attention to Corbin and have him stop screaming at me.
Corbin's temperature had gone down and so I thought that he was all better. Well, again he didn't want to sleep that night. It took us forever to get him to go to bed and sleep longer than an hour. He finally slept for 4 hours and then was up screaming again. Then when he got up that next morning, Tuesday, he had a temperature again. I was getting really worried. He was constantly crying and I couldn't leave his side. I had to hold him the whole time, which made it difficult when I needed to feed Hayden. I was trying really hard to take care of both of them, but I couldn't do it so I had Mat come home and help me out. On Mat's way home from work he ended up getting a flat tire and found out there was a screw in his tire. YIPPEE!! Something else to add the mix of fun, huh! Well he got home safe and we ended taking it in to get fixed at Big O Tires on our way to take Corbin to the doctor. Our regular doctor wasn't in, but was saw his fill in. We were in quick and out quick and found out that Corbin's eardrum had burst because he had an infection in his ear. Oh joy! Corbin wouldn't take any medicine, Tylenol or Ibuprofen to help with the pain and the doctor was concerned and so he gave Corbin and antibiotic in the form of a shot. Oh, Corbin was not happy at all, but at least he got some antibiotics in him. The doctor wanted to see him the next morning to see how things were healing up. So we got it scheduled for 9:50 on April 1. Corbin didn't eat much food that day nor did he drink a lot of food either. He weighed 23.8 lbs and had a temperature of 102.2. He finally ate some food that day, too, some ham and that was about it. He fell asleep really early, too but stayed asleep until about 8 am the next morning. Poor guy! Well on Wednesday he was much better, still a little onrey but better. He ate tons of food that morning and when we went into the doctors he weighed 25.8lbs and had a normal temperature. He gained 2lbs from the day before. How cool is that! His ear was doing better and he was doing better since I carried him the day before and he was walking that morning into the doctor's office. Wednesday was also my birthday and I turned 25 years old. So weird! Well it turned out to be pretty good since it stopped snowing and it turned sunny. HOORAY!! My sister was so sweet and she got me a Willow Tree statue of an angel with a Thank you sign, and she watched 2 of my 3 boys while Mat and I went to dinner. Mat got me a new little camera that I can carry around wih me a little bit easier than our SLR Nikon. Love the camera. Love the pictures that it takes and how good they look but it is huge when I need a camera really quick for all the random things that my boys tend to do. So thank you honey for the camera. We went out to dinner to Brick Oven. Ummm.... good food. I got a salad and we ordered cheese bread sticks, and the Alfredo Deluxe pizza. Oh, I got full fast, but it was so good. We were going to go to the BYU museum of Art but for some reason their doors were closed. And I think it was an April Fools joke because there were a lot of students that coming up to and trying to open the doors and found out their were locked. It was pretty funny to watch, even if Mat and I did the same thing. We went back to get our boys, Daxton and Corbin. We ate cake and had a good time. Thank you Apryl and especially Dave for watching our boys so that we could go out for the evening.
Well, Corbin is doing better. Even though he is still a little bit onrey and is CONSTANTLY wanting me to hold him. Yesterday was a disaster and I couldn't even get one minute to myself, but we all survived the day. Today, he is much better and is starting to come back to my little happy Corbin with silly moves and making me smile all day. Like sticking both fingers up his nose. Yeah, got that on the camera. Well that's been our adventure as we have been trying to get ready for General Conference this weekend. Can't wait for that. So excited and hoping the activities that I have planned for the boys will help the boys pay attention a little bit better to conference and still have fun. Have a great weekend and tell you how conference goes.
Friday, April 3, 2009
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